
About Silver Woodland, LLC

Silver Woodland is a supply chain automation company that delivers technology solutions, services, and support to companies using Tier One ERP products.  Many companies spend millions of dollars purchasing, implementing, and managing their ERP systems only to run their warehousing and manufacturing operations manually, generally resulting in higher labor cost and accuracy issues.  Silver Woodland supports, implements, and sells mobile data collection solutions to extend connectivity from warehouses and manufacturing workers to the company’s financial systems in real time, with minimal employee interaction.  This provides the business with a “Track & Trace” system that:

  • Lowers and controls labor cost

  • Reduces inventory cost

  • Provides a higher degree of accuracy

  • Helps maintain high customer satisfaction

  • Decreases time required for process changes (new products, workflows, etc.)

Many companies want to delay the cost and operational disruptions that they would incur by changing systems. Silver Woodland has the technical and industry expertise to support both Gemini and Oracle MSCA for as long as the products provide the functionality that the client requires.  Silver Woodland is also partnered with RFgen, the industry’s leading certified Oracle mobile data collection product, and can provide options to coexist with the current products or replace if needed. 

Older mobile data collection systems were typically installed to solve a particular requirement and are not flexible enough to be adapted to other areas of the business.  Prolonging the life of a legacy solution doesn’t mean a company should be forced to resort to manual operations if automation is required in another part of the company’s business.  In these instances, Silver Woodland can provide an Oracle certified, low cost, and easily implemented solution for those areas of the company’s business that require automation.

We are partnered with RFgen Software, an industry leading mobile data collection software firm, to help customers move from manual, or older legacy mobile data collection systems to an Oracle certified automated solution. RFgen is known for its solid, high-quality ERP certified products that deliver high customer satisfaction ratings among its more than 3,000 customers. RFgen utilizes its network of certified solution partners to service and support customers in operations around the world.